Monday, May 23, 2005

Trains Will Probably Not Make Your Miserable Commute Less So.

I sort of like the idea of bringing trains back to western Monmouth County. However, I doubt that traffic congestion would subside substantially along route 9, and no one should delude themselves into thinking NJ Transit is more than 75% competent at anything at anyone time. In other words, if any business or government agency can turn a good idea into a bad one, it is NJ Transit. Just look at the monstrosity and waste of money that is known as the Secaucus Transfer and you’ll see what I mean.

From a housing point of view, I wonder if the possibility of a rail line though western Monmouth County will raise property values there. Ideally, the best places to live in western Monmouth would be a 5 to 10 minute walk from the nearest train station. Not too close to the tracks and not too far.

[LAKEWOOD — Brick resident Eric Schnittman would like a shorter, and easier, commute to his Manhattan job. Retired Berkeley residents Leonard and Mary Gehlhaus wish there was an easier way to get to theaters in the city. Jan Larson of Dover Township hopes a new rail line could improve the environment by cutting the number of cars on local roads.

Schnittman, the Gehlhauses and Larson were all at a rally Sunday afternoon in Lakewood in support of the Monmouth-Ocean-Middlesex rail line, or MOM.]


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