Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Asbury Park Condos are Coming

I think within a year or two, there will be a glut of condos along the beach for sale. It seems that $400k, let alone $1 million, to live in Asbury Park is a lot to ask for. Think about how crappy the schools are. Long Branch might even be worse as far a a glut of condos coming to the market eventually.

"ASBURY PARK — Paramount Homes announced the opening of its North Beach Asbury Park sales office Tuesday, with company officials predicting residents will be living in the first of three buildings on an oceanfront block by next Memorial Day.

Paramount has scheduled 200 appointments with prospective buyers this month and is using a waiting list of more than 3,000 people to market the units.

Sale prices of the 48 condominiums in the eight-story Barcelona under construction between Sixth and Seventh avenues range from the mid-$400,000s to more than $1 million, said Carolyn Villani, Paramount's vice president of sales and marketing."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asbury Park or somewhere else in Monmouth County on the beach needs a good hotel. Not a motel but a hotel.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 6:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Indecision and delays are the parents of failure."

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asbury Park, Long Branch had their ups and downs. They used to have amusement parks but they closed (the Long Branch Pier and Haunted Mansion burned down in 1987) and Asbury's indoor parks closed at the end of the 80's. It seems the days of the tacky boardwalk are fading fast. If all this new development comes in to the same towns with the cheesy boardwalks, it might not mix because uppwer class people aren't going to want the tack of Seaside, etc. They want the peace and quiet of LBI or whatever. So what will happen is that the old pier parks may eventually close and upscale businesses replace arcades, t-shirt shops and pizza joints on boardwalks. That is sad.

Monday, February 06, 2006 2:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asbury Park, Long Branch had their ups and downs. They used to have amusement parks but they closed (the Long Branch Pier and Haunted Mansion burned down in 1987) and Asbury's indoor parks closed at the end of the 80's. It seems the days of the tacky boardwalk are fading fast. If all this new development comes in to the same towns with the cheesy boardwalks, it might not mix because upper class people aren't going to want the tack of Seaside, etc. They want the peace and quiet of LBI or whatever. So what will happen is that the old pier parks may eventually close and upscale businesses replace arcades, t-shirt shops and pizza joints on boardwalks. That is sad. What's the point of building all these homes and condos if you're taking away things to do? What fun will kids have at the shore without amusement parks and arcades if all there is is condos and more condos?

Monday, February 06, 2006 2:15:00 AM  

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