Monday, January 23, 2006

Daily News Interview with Foreclosure Expert


[Q: How did New York City fare in foreclosures last year?
A: In December, for the first time in nine months, the city had a lower foreclosure rate than the other largest cities in America — Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Dallas-Fort Worth.In that time, the number of foreclosures in the city increased by 7.5%.

Q: What does the rise in foreclosures predict about New York City housing prices in the year to come?
A: They don't predict — foreclosures aren't leading indicators, or lagging indicators, either. They're confirming indicators.]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats funny, I joined that web site last week. Now I will have tons of competitors....grrr.

Monday, January 23, 2006 7:56:00 PM  

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