Sunday, October 08, 2006

Burglars Hit Kara Homes

Actually, at this point, the thieves are stealing from a long list of creditors.

"GALLOWAY — Police are looking for thieves who stole enough loot last week to furnish an entire office after burglarizing a work trailer used by troubled home-builder Kara Homes Inc.

After gaining access to the trailer through the front door, without forcing entry, the thieves took a computer, six chairs, two leather couches, a dining room table, a coffee table and a copying machine, said Sgt. Paul Dooner of the township police. Police theorized that two thieves were involved, because of the size of the couches."

Full article...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably someone who got hosed by Kara and knows they'll never see their deposit or debt. No doubt Kara will throw that loss into their "poor-me we are going bankrupt" saga.

Sunday, October 08, 2006 3:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those items were taken by some of Zuhdi's loyal lackeys so that he and Uncle Hektor will be properly able to furnish their jail cells.

Hint: Look for the missing items in Roberta's garage.

Sunday, October 08, 2006 5:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Beginning....Zudi brewed a large cauldron of KOOL-AID, and
"He Said":.....come ALL and drink the KOOL-AID
The officers drank from the Kool- AID willingly...
The Banks drank from the KOOl-AID with eyes closed...
The subs and ventors unknowingly drank from the KOOL-AID at the meetings...
The innocent drank the KOOL- AID at the sales centers
Beware of the Kool-aid, Zudi has a lot left.

Monday, October 09, 2006 6:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great-so many Kara employess on these blogs-oops-former Kara employees! You people have no idea what went on at that joke of a company. For the Star-Ledger to say that it was the market bust that caused this shows they didn't do one ounce of homework. The housing market was simply the last nail in his coffin. Kara was the worst run company by the biggest bunch of idiots in an industry they knew nothing about! All of the so called officers of the company won't be able to find jobs at McDonald's after this. They were incompetent and inept to say the least. Shame on Amboy to bury its head in the sand and believe that egomaniac! More later.....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! That stolen stuff was mostly just garbage anyway. Kara was warned, NUMEROUS TIMES, that their trailers were very vulnerable to theft. No one cared.

Friday, October 13, 2006 1:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, those detectives will never be confused with Sherlock Holmes. The motive is rather obvious. Kara Homes owes lots of people money & lots of them own trucks. Kara never paid the alarm company so that's not stopping anyone. They rarely ever have anyone at that particular office, either, so anyone could have done it in broad daylight without attracting any attention at all. Many high-level Kara execs were unaware the office existed at all.

It's not really stealing from Kara's creditors, as Kara likely never paid for any of it anyway. So technically, it was stolen from whoever supplied it.

Friday, October 13, 2006 9:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ever want to see the aftermath of the bubble "pop" take a drive down to Galloway Woods & gawk at the unfinished, unsold, moldy rotten homes Kara has sitting there. Ask the existing homeowners down there about Kara, they'll tell you all about it. The cops down there probably don't give a rats ass about Zudi's desks and fax machines after he dropped that eyesore into their town. That's the karagjozi way, make a mess out of something then run away & hide behind lawyers.

Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:34:00 PM  

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