Friday, May 27, 2005

Quit Your Job and Become a Day Trader, I Mean Realtor

In 2000, it was quit your job and day trade. In 2005, it's quit your job and sell real estate.

[“Agent boom could signal housing bubble. In California, thousands of people are getting into the home sales business as the market expands. But will they simply find themselves out of work if the bubble bursts?

12:25 PM EST May 27, 2005

by Jim Goldman

With the continued strength of the nation's real estate market, and record-setting sale prices in key communities around the country, the industry's success may be its undoing.

A crush of new real estate agents may be a signal of a true real estate bubble. In California, for instance, tens of thousands of people are migrating to the real estate business, hoping that it hasn't peaked and trying to hitch a ride on the state's latest, big-time gravy train.”]


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