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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Conform or Be Cast Out

A Realtor down in North Wildwood wants to advertise that he will charge a 2% commission. He is apparently catching some grief from other Realtors because of his plan. Read the entire story and tell me if this whole thing sounds like price fixing, or collusion or worse on the part of the real estate industry.


“But one local agent is finding that while he's free to reduce his rates, letting potential clients know is a little more difficult.

Donovan Rankin, owner and broker of Coastline Agency in North Wildwood, had his ads, pitching a 2 percent commission plus a reduction fee, rejected by two real estate guides because the pitch was deemed “too controversial.”

“They told us they couldn't run them because other agents would get upset,” Rankin said Tuesday.

The ads, which have appeared in other, non-real estate publications, argue against paying brokers the almost-standard 6 percent commission rate and promise sellers the same access to buyers.

Frank Vogel, publisher of the Wildwood Properties guide, initially accepted Rankin's ad, but then scuttled it after mulling it over with other advertisers.

Vogel told Rankin he couldn't run the ad because he was taking a lot of heat for it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently was trying to sell my home (Jersey Shore). I wanted to reduce the asking price to have it sell quickly...
The response I got from the realtors. "Keep your price and RAISE the commission (plus, add a selling incentive/bonus $1000k)that way our agents will show it more!"

These realtors are greedy and disgusting.
I'd love to give the broker's name, but I am sure he'd sue me! If he can't make a living selling houses, he'll cash in some how at our expense.

Thursday, March 02, 2006 6:56:00 PM  

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